Performance by Mantawoman


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 18:30 - 20:00

In this performance, Mantawoman will serve her signature blend of Chinese folk, contemporary classical and original hypnopop music for yangqin and voice. The set, which will incorporate conversation with the audience, reflects on the nature of change, identity as performance, and music as a medium for self-transcendence.

This event is part of Sonic Intimacies and Queer Resonances, a programme that explores sonics' transformational qualities and materialises as a series of encounters, as an ensemble of notes and voices, a score to imagine new possibilities of thinking the multidirectional and multilinear pasts and futures. It looks into the embodied and affective connections that arise from encounters across sound waves, an intimacy predicted not by physical proximity but by the commitment to articulating the dynamics of how bodies and voices interact and relate. Bringing together practices that build and tie together politics of representation and sparked a method of listening that centres queer sonic intimacies across time and space.


Weekday Cross, Nottingham

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