Interview: Osymyso

Thursday 03 June 2004
reading time: min, words

"I'm going to work out a set to DJ over the top of 'One Flew Over The Cockoos Nest'. The idea is to create an alternative soundtrack"

Osymyso remixes popular culture. As a DJ he is known for his mash-up approach, fusing electro, breaks and instrumental hip-hop with pop, adverts, film clips and daytime tv samples.

He will be appearing at the Broadway cinema in June as part of the Stella Artois After Dark Tour. At the event he will be scoring an alternative soundtrack to One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest.

Judging by your back catalogue you must be connoisseur of daytime TV?

"I always have the TV on when I am working but I rarely actually sit down and watch the shows. Most of the TV I watch is during those moments where my computer is computing or when I am burning a CD so I only every get to see fragments and the fun is in piecing it all together. So for that game my favourites are Quincy, Diagnosis Murder, Burgerac, Knight Rider, The JML Channel and any of those odd little local channels with an amateurish feel to them."

Everybody knows you for Bushwhacked. I bet it was fun taking the piss out of Dubbya. Did you get any bad reactions from anyone for it?

"No, only good ones, thankfully. Bush would be quick to remind us that we live in a society that allows that kind of free speech so in a way even he could see a something good in it."

You did the Eastenders mash-up track Pat and Peg. Are you an avid viewer of Albert Square?

"I never watch it, I allow myself to watch 1 soap and that has to be Neighbours (don't ask why). I was round a friends house when the Pat vs Peggy fight took place and made a note to record the omnibus the following Sunday because I knew the 'Bitch-Cow' bit would make a funny sample, I haven't seen it since."

What inspires you to make a tune?

"Our culture of television, radio, cinema, multi-media CD ROMs etc. I like the idea that I am just remixing popular culture, looking for connections in decades of recorded sound and picture. I only have to swich on the TV for 5 minutes to have an idea, having 130 channels pumping out repeats is an inspiration to me."

What was working with Chris Morris like?

"He's brilliant to work with, he has an incredible eye for detail and knows how to get the most out of people he works with. Everyone I have met who has worked with him has a lot of respect for him."

Who else out there would you most like to collaborate with?


What are your favourite films? What are the best ones to cut-up tunes to?

"My personal favourites aren't usually the ones I would sample. The best films to borrow from are usually to be found for £1.99 on DVD on a BP Garage counter, bad acting and unknown actors voices always sound good to me in music. I can't even begin to give a list of my favourite films, there's way too many. My current favourites are Shaun of the Dead, Capturing the Friedmans and Kill Bill (v1+2)."

What music do you listen to at home?

"I love to blast out a few standards, a bit of Mancini, Sinatra, Bacharach or Kaempfert then I'll crack open the Si Begg, Luke Vibert, Prefuse 73 or Kid Koala. Then once all that is over I'll get started on the film soundtracks of which there are many..."

So what can we expect from you when you come to perform at After Dark?

"I'm going to work out a set to DJ over the top of 'One Flew Over The Cockoos Nest'. The idea is to create an alternative soundtrack to the film so I will change to mood of certain scenes, adding my own flavour and ideas to make it into something new and interesting....hopefully.

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