Live Music Review: Gallery 47 at The Bodega

Words: Katherine Giddins
Photos: David Hammond
Tuesday 23 January 2018
reading time: min, words

To celebrate the launch of his new album, Young World, Jack Peachey returned to his Notts roots...


Taking to the stage like a duckie to water, Gallery 47 played a banging set list packed with both golden oldies and catchy tunes from the new album Young World

With a nervous energy and endearingly eccentric charm, Jack captivated the crowd with his poetic, whimsical lyrics, soothing acoustic melodies and indie folk vibes.

Things started off gently with smooth, soulful tracks like Mother’s Plan and Looking Wonderful, before gradually progressing to more rocky, upbeat tracks accompanied by a full band.

Throughout the gig, Jack’s unassuming sense of humour shone through. Before playing All I Know, a sensitive ballad with soft, lilting melodies he announced “I wrote this song to help me practice my bar chords.” He also confessed that he’d lost a fingernail, but if he “picked softly” he’d still be able to play A Reasonable Man, a bubbly tune from the new album with winding country melodies – the sort of song you’d put on for a long drive.

When it was time to play Darling, another new track, Jack jumped up and down, visibly giddy and excited saying, “I like this song, it’s my favourite one.” After stating that he’d previously played it to an empty gig in London, it was very warmly received by the home fans.

But the song that really got everyone swaying was When The World Gets You Down, an uplifting and relaxing acoustic delight. Things shifted up a gear when Jack announced, “We’re going to go a bit rocky” before playing an upbeat version of Analytical and Open from the last album which called to mind The Cure and garnered the biggest cheer from the audience.

Another highlight was Overflow which had a catchy melody punctuated by jazzy piano riffs reminiscent of The Smiths. Rising Star, a bouncy tune with a slightly rockier Mumford and Sons vibe was reserved till the end when Jack humbly thanked the audience saying, “I feel very happy because you’re all very nice.”

The gig closed with a proper Notts song, Duck Footprints which features whimsical lyrics like “I see you laughing like a drugged up goat in the springtime” and “I throw a snowball at a duck confused by an ice age.” Whilst it might be hard to explain the concept of a “duck” in the Notts sense to kids in Brixton, Jack didn’t have that problem with the lot who’d shown up in The Bodega.

All in all the set was beautifully executed with the perfect blend of chilled out acoustic and folk rock. Jack is clearly an incredibly talented musician but there’s a sense that he’s bashfully unaware of how amazing he really is.

Gallery 47 oozes with creativity but his cuddly down to earth persona draws the crowd to him with an electric intensity. In the end you just want him to be yer mate.

Gallery was at The Bodega on Saturday 20 January 2018. 

Young World, the brand new album from Gallery 47, is available now

Gallery 47 Facebook

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